Sunday, October 25, 2009

Game Maker Station proposes merge with 64Digits

Frederick Watson of Game Maker Station proposed a merge with 64Digits recently, claiming "Game Maker Station has the extra pieces of the puzzle that you are seeking."

According to Frederick, 64Digits "won't have to pay for your domain anymore which will mean extra money in your pocket." which leads to the conclusion that 64Digits will now be known as Game Maker Station and no longer will 64Digits be the community it once would be.

"I think this could be a great opportunity for both of us. We have so much in common."

Yet Frederick makes the follow accusations about 64Digits:

1). Your forums are dead <- The SMF forums have been dead for years, while these are alive, just not very active.

2). your blogs are nearly dead

3). even if we were to merge and bring more traffic, it would be too difficult to work out all of services and extra websites and communities who are connected to Game Maker Station.

Follow the discussion


  1. I think it could be a great opportunity for everyone. More inactive users, more useless features, "64Digits" gone, and $10 a month is gone from canodonians bill.

  2. Anonymous you anal addict. Who would want 64D to merge with one of the worst GM sites?

  3. $10 a month? Try a year. Domain names are CHEEEEEEEEEAP.
